Decision records made simple for engineering teams.

A simple, lightweight, and flexible way to document decisions in Git with Markdown, right inside Slack.

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Remember why you do what you do.

No matter how good your planning, you always end up making small decisions on the fly. That’s why Decisionlog exists, a tool that helps you keep track of all the little things that add up to big results.

Record your decisions right where you make them.

Why keeping track of decisions matters.

You can adopt all the best practices; ADRs, RFCs, project briefs, and whatever else is hot. No matter how much you document, you'll still have to make decisions on the fly.

If you're anything like us, every day, you make dozens of small micro-decisions in Slack, hoping to record and remember them down the line... until three days later when you have no idea what was decided. Slack feels permanent and transparent, but tracking down individual messages among thousands after the fact is a nightmare.

We'll do you one better. Decisionlog logs your decisions to GitHub or GitLab, straight from Slack. Keep working like you already do, but with the peace of mind that your decisions are now backed by git!

Get started today

It’s time to improve your decision-making. Add Decisionlog to your Slack workspace and start keeping track of your decisions.

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